White Bean (Cannellini) Soup

Our recipe for White Bean (Cannellini Soup) is easy and quick to make. And so delicious! Serve with a spiral of olive oil and some chopped parsley.


1 can of cannellini beans
½ cup of 825 MAIN Marinara Sauce
2 bay leaves
2-3 shallots
a clove of garlic (crushed with the palm of your hand)
1 quart of vegetable stock or chicken stock
1 piece of Parmigiana cheese rind
Extra virgin olive oil
Chopped parsley


  1. Chop the shallots in small chunks, not too fine.
  2. Put in a pot the shallots, garlic in a pan with 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil and saute until shallots are soft and garlic is lightly toasted.
  3. Add bay leaves, 825 MAIN Marinara Sauce, Parmigiana cheese rind, and beans with the stock.
  4. Bring to a boil and then lower the heat to a simmer. Cook for 20 mins.
  5. Add salt to taste if the stock is unsalted.
  6. Serve with a spiral of olive oil and some chopped parsley.

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